Chiropractic care is ideal to treat Hyperlordosis due to the non-invasive nature of Chiropractic treatment methodology. Hyperlordosis is one of the many conditions treated by chiropractors. In order to understand what this condition entails—a brief medical explanation is required.

According to Wikipedia, “Lordosis is the normal inward lordotic curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions of the human spine. The term comes from the Greek lordōsis, from lordos (“bent backward”).
Lumbar hyperlordosis is excessive extension of the lumbar region, and is commonly called hollow back or saddle back (after a similar condition that affects some horses)…This condition is usually a result of poor posture and can often be reversed by learning correct posture and using appropriate exercises.” [1]
This blog will focus on how chiropractic care can ease or eliminate Hyperlordosis, depending on its severity. Our next blog will explore Lumbar Kyphosis. In the image below, you can see what normal spine curvature looks like compared to the condition hyperlordosis.
Normally, the spine has a natural curve creating flexibility in our spine. This flexibility enables us to distribute our weight when we walk, stand and sit. When muscles weaken, we sustain an injury, have a genetic predisposition, or grow older, this condition may present itself.
Causes and Treatment of Lordosis
There are natural causes for hyperlordosis. Some people are born with this condition, however it does not fully present itself until the late teens or 20s. Age is also a contributing factor for this condition. Older patients develop arthritis or degenerative diseases, such as Osteoporosis. Muscle weakness due to lack of exercise is another cause.

On one end of the treatment scale is exercise, to strengthen weak muscles. Specific exercises can be prescribed to you by your chiropractor to balance muscle strength and correct Hyperlordosis. These exercises must be preformed as prescribed in order to gradually help the body heal itself and create muscle strength. Most likely, your chiropractor will use spinal adjustment to correct subluxations, and re-align the vertebrae. Your chiropractor is capable of soothing or eliminating this problem through exercise and adjustment
Dr. Han is one of the best chiropractors near you to determine the best course of treatment. On the extreme end of treatment is surgery. If your condition is severe—you will be referred to your orthopedic practitioner. Usually, your chiropractor will take an x-ray to determine if your condition is treatable by adjustment and/or exercise, or requires surgical intervention.
1. “Main Page.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Nov. 2018,