In the West—there has been some general skepticism about the efficacy of acupuncture. Acupuncture in the East has been used for centuries (literally) to treat a variety of aliments and disease. Modern medicine has been increasingly studying how acupuncture can heal and/or alleviate symptoms of an abundance of diseases. Dr. Jingduan Yang, M.D., FAPA states that “Overall, it is non-scientific behavior to ignore the clinical and scientific value of acupuncture. And, it is irresponsible, unethical and unprofessional for someone who lacks training and knowledge to misinform and mislead the general public in this very specialized medical area.”
…Fatigued? Try Acupuncture!
Winter is already upon us in the Chicagoland area. With the early turn of the season many people will experience fatigue and loss of energy due to the cold temperatures, time-change and stress. As a chiropractor—with two offices in the Northern suburbs—my recommendation is to use acupuncture, in conjunction with a supportive holistic regimen, to increase your energy and fight fatigue.
…Use Acupuncture to Treat a Sprained Ankle
It’s said that having a sprained ankle can be more painful and take longer to heal than a broken ankle. Either one of them are painful to experience and the time it takes to heal either a sprain or a break depends on the severity in each circumstance. However, Dr. Ryan Han wants you to know that adding acupuncture to your treatment regime for a sprained ankle will considerably lessen both the pain and time to heal.