Dear Patients,
We know these are very challenging times and we are all in this together. COVID-19 has altered our daily routines, our schedules, and our lives. Some more so than others. As the weeks have gone on it is has come to our attention that it is in the best interest for our patients to return to work. We are needed to help those patients with musculoskeletal complaints so not to turn to Medical Doctors that are needed to focus on the pandemic of COVID-19 and other health concerns. In Illinois, Chiropractors are deemed an essential business and we are able to work during Shelter in Place.

Here at our office we take COVID-19 very seriously. That is why we closed our office over two weeks ago to show how important Shelter in Place was AND is for our community. Upon opening we will follow all precautionary guidelines beginning with the screening of incoming patients and are own staff. This screening process is to prevent the risk of a case in our office.
Screening Questions for Your Safety and Health
In order to be seen in our office an answer of NO will be needed for ALL of these questions:
- Have you or anyone in your inner circle had a fever in the last two weeks?
- Have you or anyone in your inner circle had any symptoms of cold or flu? This includes fever, cough, tiredness, aches or pains, runny nose/congestion, vomiting or diarrhea (most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath).
- Have you or anyone in your inner circle traveled abroad in the last two weeks? (Please also let us know if you have travelled to NY, Washington or California in the last two weeks).
- Have you been near anyone who had COVID-19 or potentially had COVID-19?
Additional Screening Protocols
The following screening protocols are for you OWN benefit. Patients that have the following risk factors are highly recommended to ONLY come in if absolutely necessary. (See below for other options that maybe an alternative for you).
- Do you have any heart disease?
- Are you diabetic?
- Are you immuno-compromised or going through chemotherapy/radiation?
- Are you over 60 years old?
Here are just a few of our precautionary measures in our office.
- I will be screened before each day.
- I will be scheduling patients apart from each other to promote social distancing so we will not be able to see as many patients as normal.
- I ask that all companions please stay in the car during our appointment or go for a short walk outside if they are able.
- You will see a hand sanitizer bottle upon entering the office. There will be no sign in’s, we will keep all paperwork minimal and suggest you bring your OWN pen.
- As with every facet of our lives these days avoid touching your face during your visit.
- We love to chat and catch up but for the near future we will try to limit prolonged conversations.
- Grab another shot of hand sanitizer on the way out.
- We will be cleaning our tables, instruments, surfaces, etc., after each patient. We will be wearing gloves and masks during the treatment due to our close proximity.
My clinic is open a limited time for those patients who need my care.
If you wish to ask any questions please call the office (847-873-3265), text me, email me ([email protected]).
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time. Stay safe and keep healthy.