Even though you have heard it repeatedly recently, it IS a NEW year, and that means new year resolutions or choosing a ‘word’ to focus on for your health and well being. Regardless of having a resolution or a word, Dr. Ryan Han, DC., is here to to support you to become the healthiest version of you possible.

Our Philosophy
We treat the body holistically using such methods as chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, and Oriental herbs, to name a few. Our goal is to to put you back on the path of optimal health. Everyone can benefit from Chiropractic care from the youngest babies (chiropractic helps with digestive issues) to teens athletes (keeps them in top shape) to working adults (standing or sitting to long) to seniors (keeping them moving).
How Does Chiropractic Adjustment Work
One of the main things that set chiropractors apart from other professionals is that they preform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustment. The reason why chiropractors adjust your spine is to restore joint mobility and correct the misalignment of the spine through a quick thrust to restricted vertebra. You may hear a popping sound, but not to worry! This sound is called cavitation or the releasing of gasses. Our joints all have fluid to aid in movement and gasses are the by-products. When they are adjusted, or opened up, gas is released.
When joints are restricted, this is called subluxation. There are so many different causes of subluxation—poor posture, accidents, improper lifting, emotional stress, working long hours at a desk or on the feet—this list goes on and on depending on the circumstances of the individual patient. Dr. Han works with each patient to find out where they hurt, and develops a treatment regime to allow the body to heal naturally.

Acupuncture Benefits
Acupuncture is being used more frequently as an adjunct to traditional medicine or as a replacement in some cases, take treating anxiety, for instance. Acupuncture has many benefits, to name a few:
- Reduces anxiety, depression
- Helps digestive disorders
- Relieves or eliminates pain in the neck, back, arms, legs, knees, hands, and just about anywhere you can place an acupuncture needle
- Headache relief
- Allergy relief
- Helps with sleeplessness
- Sinus pain relief and so on and so on!
The wonderful thing about acupuncture treatments is that they are non-invasive. Acupuncture needles are very tiny needles and are not placed too deep into the skin. Every great once in a while, the patient may feel a small pinch, but normally won’t even notice the placement of a needle.
The main premise behind acupuncture is that by placing needles along specific points on the body re-aligns the body’s energy or Qi, allowing for healing by the body itself. This is, of course, a very simplified explanation of how acupuncture works. Additional information can be found here, (insert link) in an earlier blog on our site.
Don’t delay to get those resolutions started or pick a ‘word ‘ that will continue to inspire you to be healthier in the coming year! We are a chiropractor near you in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago and are excited partner with you to begin the journey to YOUR optimal health. Please feel free to contact Dr. Han with any questions you many have regarding chiropractic treatments.